Welcome to RallyHub

A completely digital, paperless solution designed for seamless entry management, from online registrations right through to on-site access - tailored to the rally and events industry.

What is RallyHub?

RallyHub is a feature rich, cloud based management tool specifically designed for the events industry. From rallys to shows, live events to festivals - RallyHub can be used to streamline most aspects of the day-to-day running tasks.

RallyHub makes use of real-time burstable technology to ensure that you get the information you need, when you need it. This also means that things such as tickets, pitches and trade stands can never be over-sold as RallyHub makes use of this technology to ensure all devices, and their users, know what is available at all times.

RallyHub is supported on most, if not all, modern devices. There's nothing to download, RallyHub is designed to be used with a web browser.

RallyHub is in active development and is constantly adapting, updating and improving. All features and updates are made available to all customers, new and existing, at no extra cost**

With this in mind, RallyHub strives to be transparent with its customer base. It was designed by steam shows, for steam shows. Please check the Features page to see what RallyHub currently does, what is planned and an estimation of when a feature will be available.

** Updates and features are only charged for if they incur any additional cost to make them happen.

Ready to get started?

Head over to our pricing page to see our tiers and use our cost calculator to find the best solution for you.

See our Pricing
© 2024 RallyHub